Sunday 19 April 2009

Use It or Lose That Love Mussel - it'll just shrivel up, you know

The BBC tells us that 'An Amazonian ant has dispensed with sex and developed into an all-female species, researchers have found.'

So, it seems, Harriet HarPerson and Polly Toynbee went to the wrong continent on their gender equality junket.

Polly Toynbee took a right beasting from the good people of CiF on Saturday after writing a promo piece for NuLabour telling us how Gordon had saved the world with Harriet's help (something like that).

Needless to say this attempt to ignore the stench of rotting Labour over the past week did not go un-noticed.

No matter, getting back to the title :

And when they dissected the female insects, they found them to be physically incapable of mating, as an essential part of their reproductive system known as the "mussel organ" had degenerated.

Exactly what The Merkin has been saying to the girls for years with regard to brains and pussy.

And doesn't Polly look like the perfect example?

As Craig Murray said, 'Polly Toynbee, self-appointed guardian of the poor of the world - and stupid muddled-headed old bat.'


Anonymous said...

Exactly what The Merkin has been saying to the girls for years with regard to brains and pussy.Update : I bet the merkin never got a sniff of his Nat King with a line like that.

MerkinOnParis said...

Correct, anon.